Fokus adgangskontrol via vener

Scanning ved hjælp af vener i en finger er i øjeblikket noget af det sikreste adgangskontrol der findes. Terminalen kan fungere som standalone eller via TCP/IP med live dataopsamling

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Vene aftryk

ZKTeco V350 FingerVene aftryks adgangskontrol
ZKTeco V350 FingerVene aftryks adgangskontrol

FV350 is the new finger vein Access Control terminal ZKTeco's first Finger Vein identification Access Control terminal. Ergonomic, intuitive and highly secured, V350 leads us to a new era for biometric application to security.

ZKTecoFV350 Fingeraftryk & Finger vene adgangkontrols læser
ZKTecoFV350 Fingeraftryk & Finger vene adgangkontrols læser

FV350 is the latest fingerprint and finger vein Access Control terminal ZKTeco has developed the first multimodal device capable of capturing and processing finger vein and fingerprint biometric data at the same time. Ergonomic, intuitive and [...]